Benny Lee

Director of Commercial

Photo of Benny Lee

Benny is responsible for commercial activities and engagements with emitters and CO2 infrastructure owners for Milestone Carbon, a subsidiary of Milestone Environmental Services (Milestone). Milestone Carbon offers turnkey solutions for the permanent geological sequestration of CO2 for significant industrial emitters.

Benny has over 10 years of experience in various roles within the energy sector, including commercial origination, project finance and development, and portfolio management. He began his career at Marathon Oil, focusing on finance and accounting for Eagle Ford assets, then moved to Deloitte's energy trading practice. Later, Benny transitioned to the renewable fuels sector, leading the development of commercial and financial strategies for sustainable energy products in the Permian Basin, such as renewable gasoline, SAF, RNG, renewable power, CO2, and other associated commodities.

Benny holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in accounting from Louisiana State University. Additionally, he is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). Originally from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Benny spent his formative years in Louisiana and currently resides in Houston, Texas, with his wife and daughter.